Doctor’s 635nm Red Acupuncture Laser Model is the same wavelength as a healthy cell and it is most readily absorbed and utilized by the body. It enhances cell activity and microcirculation and is commonly used to fight stress and fatigue, and activate metabolism. It is the preferred wavelength for body acupuncture point stimulation. Designed for clinical or personal use.
his is a heavy duty instrument, manufactured in the USA, is designed for long use with a constant on/off button in the base. This laser is a plus power, constant wave diode circuit type with computerized APC. The lasers are factory tuned and tested on a laser power meter. This comes with a 1-year warranty. This device uses the patented laser-lift collimating tips. The unit is supplied with a padded nylon travel case to protect the laser and accessories. The kit includes the Laserlift Line Generator, 1 straight and 1 angled dental tips, 6 disposable 2.75 mm and 6 disposable 4.25 tips. This is the laser of choice for professionals worldwide.
Features and Accessories:
*Fully portable; patients not confined by a bulky unit.
*Professional grade for extended use
*Laser Lift collimating tip
*Constant on/off button
*2 Safety Tips
*Laser Line Generator
*Laser is a plus power, constant wave diode circuit type with computerized APC. 2xAAA batteries included
*6 – 4.25 disposable sanitary tips
*6 – 2.75 disposable sanitary tips
*Operating Instructions
All lasers are tested during final assembly at the manufacturer by industrial testing methods, then calibrated and retested to validate that each laser as a “plus” 4.0-5.0mW power output certification.
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